A music documentary in development about the formative years of the Hamburger Schule (Hamburg School). Shut up, Germany will use this very particular politized micro movement as a general example how subcultures operated and constituted themselves before the digitization of society: The need to exchange and buy records and tapes, to visit concerts, bars and clubs and physically exchange information and bond socially – all in order to escape the tristesse of the grey provinciality Germany was still gripped by in the late 1980ies, apart from a few glamorous islands in the large cities. In this aspect the movie will also be an homage to the vibrant and contradictory club cultures of Hamburg and elsewhere which played a big part in the evolution of sociopolitical movements in the 20th Century.
Since the Hamburger Schule was musically quite diverse but characterised by lyrics that gave voice to social criticism and were based on leftist and postmodern theory, the movie will also reflect on the ambivalence of political agendas in a commoditized entertainment industry.
Apart from all that it will also be funny and absurd.